Friday, September 18, 2009

How to Save Money and Stretch Your Food Budget

With the economy in the state that it’s in, it is becoming increasingly difficult for families to eat a healthy diet while staying within their weekly food budget. Knowing how to shop and what to shop for can ease the strain of a struggling economy and make the most of your weekly food budget.

STOCK UP The first rule to saving money on groceries is to stock up on non-perishable food items such as canned vegetables, pasta sauces, beans, evaporated milk, canned fish and condiments. These items have a very long shelf life, so they are perfect to stock up on, and buying cans in bulk and staying stocked up means not having to pay full price when you need them. For example if your family uses two cans of baked beans each week at $0.89 each, make it a habit to buy several when you see them on sale for $0.49 - $0.59 each. That is only 30 - 40 cents per week savings, but it adds up to between $41.60 - $52.00 per year. Just for baked beans. Imagine the total savings per year if all of your canned goods. Read more...


carol at A Second Cup said...

I am trying to get the hang of socking up because it does seem to save so much money.

Icy BC said...

These are all great ideas, Lanne! I stock up on foods that can keep for a long time, too!

anadrol said...

That's a great idea, but I must first make more space in my larder and freeze.

Unknown said...

Thanks for your tips! It was helpful!

Mind Body & Spirit said...

I like what your doing. Thanks for the information. Your doing a great job helping people :).

Mind Body & Spirit said...

oh yeh i also like the title lol